Monday, March 30, 2009


Life snuck up on me and the reminder meeting announcement is coming later than anticipated. Don't forget we're meeting tomorrow at 5 pm at the Fuddrucker's on I-25 by Century Rio. We'll probably debrief the conference, so be prepared!

Hope to see you all tomorrow!!! :-)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Question in the Aftermath of the Conference

I, too, enjoyed the whole experience of the Emergent conference in which we not all only attended, but participated in.

What is it at the conference that really spoke to you after you have now had a couple of days to ruminate a little?

For me, there was a point that McLaren made in his presentation where he suggested that new questions have yet to be formed and asked in the future, perhaps even now, that either conservative or liberal Christianity has yet to deal with. I guess this paraphrased statement spoke to me because I think that I may already be asking some of those questions myself.

Also, I really enjoyed being able to hear what all of you had to say in our table discussions. It reinforced my personal conviction of how limited my own life-observations really are, and thus opened me up to new possibilities beyond my own personal experiences. Being human can be very limiting in many respects, can't it?

I'm looking forward to seeing you next week,


Monday, March 23, 2009

Best. Conference. Ever.

I stole that blunt, "single word with a period" writing style from Billy when he Facebooked, "Worst. Move. Ever." one day. Some of you may know what I'm talking about.

I have to tell you, Friday and Saturday created some sort of internal, spiritual shift within me that cause what would normally be a grouchy "this is too early in the morning" Sunday to lead worship at my church in Edgewood, into a morning of calmness, internal peace, joy and an overall sense of feeling like "everything is going to be okay." I felt very "at home" at the conference, like I was revisiting an environment similar to my West Coast liberal past (although I remain a West Coast liberal at heart) yet instead of pagans and massive intoxication it was Jesus and centering prayer and spiritual wisdom I've only read in books but now experienced the power of being in the room with the authors themselves hearing their voices. It was good for me in many ways. I loved all of it.

Looking forward to March 31st and Fudruckers (watch how you spell that one!!). It's the one on Pan American by Jefferson, right?

I was also feeling this weekend that we're really becoming a little family, don'tcha think?


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spare Conference Admissions

Hey everyone! I just got a call this evening from Rev. Judy Romero-Oak, a retired pastor. She said she has a friend whose husband is sick, and as a result, neither her friend nor her husband will be able to go to the Emerging Church Conference this week, and they want to give away their admissions.

So there are two conference admissions up for grabs! If anyone knows someone who can use them, please let me know ASAP so I can call Judy.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Emergent Conference Next Week

I'm so excited about the conference next week. I can't believe it's already here.

I was wondering if we were going to rendezvous somewhere as a group or if we'll "do our own thing" individually. Was there any discussion on this?