Monday, July 20, 2009

meeting tomorrow!

Just a reminder that we're meeting tomorrow at 5 pm at the Fuddrucker's on Gibson. Different location, but same food!

Hope to see many of you all there.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Meeting this Tuesday!

Don't forget that our regular meeting is happening this Tuesday evening at Fuddrucker's on I 25. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Movin' on up

On the social networking ladder there were things like livejournal, then blogger, then myspace (we skipped some) and now facebook and twitter. We don't have a twitter yet but that sounds like a fantastic idea now that I think about it.

In any case, we do now have a facebook page for discussion purposes. Please feel free to join it and join in on the discussion.

Last night we talked a bit about what the emergent group can be for us. Hopefully the facebook group will allow us to get outside the box of the 3rd Tuesday of the month meeting some and make connections with others in other ways.

Here's the link!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Meeting tonight!

We're a few hours away from another awesome meeting at Fuddrucker's! Hope to see you there!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Meeting tomorrow!

Just a reminder that we will be meeting again tomorrow at the Fuddrucker's on I-25 at 5 pm for our monthly gathering. We had a great turnout last month, hope you all can make it again!

Monday, March 30, 2009


Life snuck up on me and the reminder meeting announcement is coming later than anticipated. Don't forget we're meeting tomorrow at 5 pm at the Fuddrucker's on I-25 by Century Rio. We'll probably debrief the conference, so be prepared!

Hope to see you all tomorrow!!! :-)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Question in the Aftermath of the Conference

I, too, enjoyed the whole experience of the Emergent conference in which we not all only attended, but participated in.

What is it at the conference that really spoke to you after you have now had a couple of days to ruminate a little?

For me, there was a point that McLaren made in his presentation where he suggested that new questions have yet to be formed and asked in the future, perhaps even now, that either conservative or liberal Christianity has yet to deal with. I guess this paraphrased statement spoke to me because I think that I may already be asking some of those questions myself.

Also, I really enjoyed being able to hear what all of you had to say in our table discussions. It reinforced my personal conviction of how limited my own life-observations really are, and thus opened me up to new possibilities beyond my own personal experiences. Being human can be very limiting in many respects, can't it?

I'm looking forward to seeing you next week,
