Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Question in the Aftermath of the Conference

I, too, enjoyed the whole experience of the Emergent conference in which we not all only attended, but participated in.

What is it at the conference that really spoke to you after you have now had a couple of days to ruminate a little?

For me, there was a point that McLaren made in his presentation where he suggested that new questions have yet to be formed and asked in the future, perhaps even now, that either conservative or liberal Christianity has yet to deal with. I guess this paraphrased statement spoke to me because I think that I may already be asking some of those questions myself.

Also, I really enjoyed being able to hear what all of you had to say in our table discussions. It reinforced my personal conviction of how limited my own life-observations really are, and thus opened me up to new possibilities beyond my own personal experiences. Being human can be very limiting in many respects, can't it?

I'm looking forward to seeing you next week,



Troy said...

I'll leave a comment here for you, buddy -- I still am feeling the "rapid fire" wounds of Alexie Torres-Fleming. And I mean that in a GOOD way. She gave the most powerful punch to my heart of all the speakers because her story was so real and not about abstract concepts. It was about blood and tears and getting down in the dirt with God's children. It was truly inspiring and spoke directly to my own desires of ministry as a Christian.

But then flipping it over to Richard Rohr and his non-dual thinking speech was like listening to old hippie/spiritual friends of my pre-Christian past. It was amazing how I was hearing this topic spoken of, 20 years after I had first heard about it from an old hippie mentor-friend, but within the context of Christ and communing with God. I was elated just to be sitting in a conference room (presumably) full of believers, yet hearing these types of concepts being openly discussed, UNapologetically. I felt so "at home" there. It was a true blessing that enriched my heart and demeanor for the entire week (and I still feel it in there, espeically when I remind myself of it).

It was truly different and I pray it flourishes.

Laura said...

I'm with Troy about Alexie Torres-Fleming. She really reached deep in my heart to find what my passions are and I'm thinking about changing up some of what I do based on what she had to say. I realized that I'm very much stuck in the day to day and not out there living and sharing what I know in my heart I need to be sharing.

I'm re-investing my time in some projects I haven't been thinking about, and I'll be looking forward to a few more. God has called me to change the world, one step at a time, and I gotta start by making some adjustments. Makes me nervous and scared but also excited and filled with anticipation.

Can't wait to talk to you guys more about the conference!