Monday, July 20, 2009

meeting tomorrow!

Just a reminder that we're meeting tomorrow at 5 pm at the Fuddrucker's on Gibson. Different location, but same food!

Hope to see many of you all there.


Dee said...

Hello group! I live in Las Cruces but can't find an "emerging" group. I have family in Alb though so I visit often. I picked up a Brian McLaren book just by chance and was HOOKED by the concept. I just started attending Unity Church which is the closest thing to the emerging movement in town as far as I can tell. Thanks and I hope to meet you all someday!

Chris said...

Hi Dee,

I'm Chris. It is good to see that you found us Emergents in Albuquerque. If you like, you can also find us on Facebook under Emergent ABQ. I hope that you can get in touch with us sometime soon.